A pet is a lifetime commitment


Never buy a pet on impulse.

To help you make the right choice we highly recommend that you first read these helpful guides written by the Pet Advertising Advisory Group PAAG.

Check Before You Buy

Try an animal charity first
There are thousands of healthy, loving animals of all ages throughout the UK who need a home.

See young animals with their mum
Are they old enough to leave her? Kittens and puppies aren’t independent until they are eight weeks old.

Go and see the pet
Make sure you ask about the animals health and medical history. Beware of dodgy breeders.

Understand your pet’s needs
Many animals need companionship, space and exercise. Know how much it will cost to keep your pet.

Report adverts for illegal breeds and beware of illegal imports
Pets that have been smuggled in may have a disease that affects their health and yours.

Is it dangerous, wild or even endangered?
Many dangerous, wild or exotic species need a licence and are for specialists. Check it will make a suitable pet.